Sunday, April 26, 2009

Drug-resistant staph deaths may pass AIDS! Are you aware of this new "Strain",what precautions will you Take?

I am becoming more %26amp; more concerned about this "Front Page News Story"

Several wrestling,football,and other sports teams have fallen victim to this "Superbug"

With the huge popularity in BJJ and other ground skill arts,I predict this may become a very big problem for many students.

Findings are that even sharing equipment and casual skin to skin contact passes this strain of Drug-resistant Staph from person to person.

Below are some links to inform you of this new danger to athletes and team sports players.

Bare feet,sharing training equipment %26amp; mats,and skin to skin contact.This sounds like "Any" Martial Arts Class!

Drug-resistant staph deaths may pass AIDS! Are you aware of this new "Strain",what precautions will you Take?
These stories can be scary when they first hit the media and garner significant attention, and certainly, the warrant close inspection and understanding by all instructors and students of the martial arts.

As the CDC and most healthcare professionals will recommend though, good, common sense hygiene standards and principals will reduce your risks considerably.

I remember when HIV first became known and many in the martial arts community were challenged with how to respond. Time and education has hopefully brought about a sensible and senstitive approach to the subject, and hopefully the same will be true of this new information.

We always wash down our mats weekly and recommend shoes to our students, even though we have mats. We also sterilize our pads and equipment weekly. All are good measures to adopt. During winter especially, we always remind our students to wash their hands thoroughly before and after class, to help prevent catching common colds and so on.

I think with some sensible precautions, the bulk of all risks can be adequately mitigated. An excellent topic of converstation for us to all consider though.

Ken C

9th Dan HapMoosaKo-Do

8th Dan TaeKwon-Do

7th Dan YongChul-Do
Reply:i am currently wearing a full body condom
Reply:I recently got a staph infection in my new tattoo...but thankfully I was able to fight it off. I have heard about this...makes you think huh? Maybe mother nature is fighting back against us parasitic humans.
Reply:I am quite aware of MRSA. I lost a leg to it. I got the infection in a hospital when a nurse practitioner scraped a callous off the bottom of my foot. It went into the marrow of a bone in my foot and, after 6 months of treatment, it still wasn't getting better; it actually had gotten worse and my leg was removed below the knee.
Reply:washing my hands more .avoiding sick people .trying not 2 touch nose mouth or eyes .covering mouth when coughing or sneezing.staying home when i have a cold.
Reply:I will do all I can to avoid going into a Hospital. That way, I will be able to die at Home from something other than a staph infection.
Reply:it does make you think i make sure to shower right after a workout it is impossible to avoid all the things listed above even with out martial arts or sports you cant avoid everyhtign all the time just make sre to keep clean
Reply:Thanks for the links.

It does make me nervous. I can think of someplaces that don't clean the mats very often.

Would you make your kids join a gym made just for kids?

treadmills and equipment are small for kids, rock climbing, swimming pool, martial arts, dance classes. just wondering because childhood obesity is so common now.

Would you make your kids join a gym made just for kids?
Well, it sounds like a good idea...I would rather take my child to the gym with me...someplace where they have child size and adult size equipment.

As far as 'Making' my child go.....I would think that, that would make the child feel horrible!!

I would highly encourage it, though, and have my children go with me to the gym, and make it a family thing.
Reply:I don't know if I'd make them join a gym, but definately encourage sport activities that promote a good self esteem and healthy lifestyle. Personally I love climbing and my husban is all about hockey so when my son is old enough it'll be a natural thing to him. Kids emulate their parents. If they see their parents physically active it will only be natural to them to be active themselves. Obeisity isn't only affecting children.
Reply:what happened to running around in the park and eating rocks?

why must there be a gym for children?
Reply:no i would not. obesity is a problem but not for everyone. my children are well rounded and have no problem. i also think that many kids that do "need" a gym it would only make the matter worse. not really the helping hand they need to change their lifestyle and body image. when you pressure a child like that it can tend to make matters worse.
Reply:encourage, but don't force. Forcing kids to do stuff they really don't want to do can damage them for life. If they think exercise is something they have to do they will hate it forever.
Reply:I wouldnt "make" my children do anything. If they wanted to, that's a different story. Then I would def. let them.
Reply:I would never MAKE my child do that kind of stuff. For one thing I would'nt let my child get fat I'm smart enough to control that. Plus there are plenty, plenty of other things to do at the park and they can get fresh air too.
Reply:I wouldn't make my kids join if they felt uncomfortable with it. But I may have them try it out once just to see if they would enjoy it.

It would get them involved in something outside of home and they would be around other kids. Just tell them the pluses to it.
Reply:No. I'd check the diet that I was feeding them, and then I'd take them outside, to the park or playground, and run around and exercise with them.

Sorry, but gym-junkie kids? It just screams future eating disorder.

If they chose to do it, different story.

Help in a translation of few words from English to Italian.. please URGENT!!?

I am studying HM Customs %26amp; Revenue, can you help me translating in italian all these examples of Offensive weapons:

flick knives, butterfly knives, push daggers, belt-buckle knives, death stars, swordsticks, knives disguised as everyday objects, knuckledusters, blowpipes, spring-operated telescopic truncheons, and some martial arts equipment.

Help in a translation of few words from English to Italian.. please URGENT!!?
Reply:basically they translate into some word that describes LORD GOD. Ro. 16.26-27

Translation of few words English- Italian.. help!!?

I am studying HM Customs %26amp; Revenue, can you help me translating in italian all these examples of Offensive weapons:

flick knives, butterfly knives, push daggers, belt-buckle knives, death stars, swordsticks, knives disguised as everyday objects, knuckledusters, blowpipes, spring-operated telescopic truncheons, and some martial arts equipment.

Translation of few words English- Italian.. help!!?
Flick Knives-lame di flick

Butterfly Knives-lame della farfalla

Push Daggers-spinga i daggers

Belt-Buckle Knives-lame dell'cinghia-inarcamento

Death Stars-stelle di morte

Sword Sticks-bastoni della spada

Knives Disguised as everyday objects-Lame travestite come oggetti giornalieri

Knuckle dusters-Spolveratori dell'articolazione

Blowpipes-cannelli ossidrici

Spring-operated telescopic truncheons-Truncheons telescopici meccanici a molla

Some Martial Arts Equipment-Una Certa Apparecchiatura Martial Di Arti
Reply:Flick le lame, le lame della farfalla, i daggers di spinta, le lame dell'cinghia-inarcamento, le stelle di morte, gli swordsticks, le lame travestite come oggetti giornalieri, i knuckledusters, i cannelli ossidrici, i truncheons telescopici meccanici a molla e lle certe attrezzature martial di arti.

Have a nice day!

Reply:babelfish will translate anything for you !!

In the meantime
Reply:I'm Italian.

flick knives= coltello a serramanico

knives disguised as everyday objects= coltelli camuffati da oggetti di uso quotidiano

knuckledusters= tirapugni

blowpipes,= cerbottane

spring-operated telescopic truncheons= manganello

These are the only ones I was able to find in the dictionary.

Does anyone know where I can buy sparring gear in Chicago?

I'm also looking for martial arts equipment, but there's no category for it. I don't want to buy online. I want to be able to choose what I buy and make sure I'll be using it.

Does anyone know where I can buy sparring gear in Chicago?
Try dunhams
Reply:check on centrey online i dont think i spelled it right but thats where i get my gear
Reply:well go online or to texus
Reply:look it up online see what stores they carry all those gears , then find the location nearest you , and bara bing bara booom you got your self the gears your looking for .

Starting and running a succesful Martial Arts Studio?

Hello, I am a blackbelt in Tae kwon do, and have been practicing martial arts for 10 years now. I am 21 years old, and I want to open up my own martial arts school. I want to teach a Tae Kwon Do class for children, and have other instructors teach martial arts that they specialize in while renting out the school for the hour that they use.

I have purchased equipment for sparring, and practice, and have about 5 students that I currently teach in a place in which I rent time for in another school.

I am very interested in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo, so I will be also wanting to purchase good martial arts or grappling mats.

Any Ideas on how to successfully start and run a good Dojo?

Starting and running a succesful Martial Arts Studio?
Let me strongly recommend that you talk to a business counselor before you do anything especially spend money. I'd call the local office of SCORE (go to and input your zip code to find the chapter nearest you), the advice is FREE.

The counselor at SCORE will most likely advise you to write a business plan which is very good advice because it will force you to dig out all of the start up details and the costs of starting a good Dojo and force you to also understand all of the aspects of this business including the customers you'll concentrate on (your market ) and how you'll go after them.

You'll need to register the business with your state controller's office and make sure that you have any city and county licenses if any are needed where you live. All of this will come out in a business plan.

Try this link : and read some of the articles especially the ones about a business plan and starting a business.

Good Luck
Reply:If you were taught at a McDojo please don't teach kids because in the future they'll open a McDojo and then their students will open a McDojo but... if you really want to.... then Good luck

What equipment could i get for martial arts?

That would help me improve and get better but that could fit inside a house and not make that much noise

What equipment could i get for martial arts?
For speed and hand %26amp; eye coordiation try a tennis-ball suspended from a cord and, use your hand techniques.
Reply:A punching bag is the first thing that comes to mind.
Reply:A punching bag. I used to do karate and I had a punching bag. I'd put on music and go through a routine of blocks, punches and kicks and it was great fun. But for some you don't need a punching bag, you can just do it in the air or shadow box.
Reply:A make-shift Makiwara board is an excellent start. Take a sock, fold it and duct tape around the sock until you don't see any more sock. Then tape this sock to a board (thick enough not to break but thin enough to bend a little... some woods are better than others... I just break a bunch, but boards are pretty cheap at Busy Beaver) and firmly attach (I use long screws) to a tree or some other unmoving object so that the board itself moves. (Not a great explanation, but if you mess around with it you will figure it out) Nigiri are also easy to make, as you just take some Jars (I use medium size water jugs) and fill them with sand.
Reply:I cannot give you a list of equipment with out knowing your liveing conditions but i can give you some web sites that allow you to decied for yourself
Reply:a skipping rope
Reply:I don't train with equipment (if no count weapons). It's more interesting to find alternatives to a dependence on machines and stuff (at least for me).

Also, it helps to be aware that, although equipment will help improve your strength and speed, it wont help improve your skill. A way to explain this is by using superman. Superman is super fast and super strong, but if you take that away (via kryptonite) he becomes like a regular man and batman can then pwn him.

It has been explained to me by many teachers and martial artists that you only get better at martial arts by improving your skills. However, the only way to improve those skills is to isolate them by taking away speed and power.

What you are left with is excruciatingly slow movements and sparring. It may be hard to keep it up, but it is a definite way to observe the skill with which you and an opponent can apply a move. This requires a great deal of personal honesty. People can cheat in this form of training by going slow and then reverting back to normal or fast speed to doge and attack (when they get caught).

Boxing and martial arts equipment?

sites on boxing and martial arts equipment. preferably at discount/wholesale. but any sites that have the best selection of stuff. wide variety. also sites with videos of boxing and martial arts instruction. wide variety of popular and rare martial arts.

Boxing and martial arts equipment? This has the best info for Boxing News and Views and

for Ringside Boxing - World class Boxing Glves, Punching Bags, and Boxing Equipment at discount prices. Those two URL's have everything you asked for.